Anyone remember Exchange and X.400?

By | August 17, 2015

You know you’re getting old when you come across a Usenet post you wrote almost 20 years ago. I came across this little memento while Googling for a much more recent item. Given the vintage of the post, I must have been referring to Exchange 4.0.  Exchange has come a long way since then, although I do kind of miss X.400.


PS. I’m still waiting for an answer to my question. 🙂

One thought on “Anyone remember Exchange and X.400?

  1. J

    yes, for sure, secured, and guaranteed delivery of email, worked fine until it did not. –> It went away with Exhange 2003 or 2007 , I forget.. oh those were the days lol. I guess we are the only x500 – x400 admins left… not.


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