It’s sometimes interesting to know how old your AD forest is and when the various domains were created. I recently came across a really useful TechNet Blog with a Powershell snippet to do just this. My version shown below just has some slightly different formatting.
# How old is the forest? Get-ADObject -SearchBase (Get-ADForest).PartitionsContainer ` -LDAPFilter "(&(objectClass=crossRef)(systemFlags=3))" ` -pr dnsRoot, nETBIOSName, whenCreated | Sort whenCreated ` | select @{e={($_.DNSRoot)};l=”DomainFQDN”}, ` nETBIOSName, @{e={(get-date $_.whencreated -format dd/MM/yyyy)};l=”whenCreated”} ` | ft -AutoSize
The output should look something like this:
So how old is your forest?
Works great for me
Thank Tony 🙂
My oldest AD: 28-03-2001