Category Archives: Active Directory

How to clear group membership with Powershell

Something I often recommend to my customers is keep the membership of the Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins groups empty and only populate them (temporarily) when required.  The privileges assigned to these groups are obviously high and removing the members reduces the potential for costly mistakes and/or compromise.  Here’s a quick Powershell snippet that will… Read More »

Quest OnDemand Recovery for AD

  On and off over the past couple of days I’ve been trialling one of Quest’s cloud services – OnDemand Recovery for AD.  The other service that Quest currently offers in the Microsoft space is Log Management, which allows the collection, storage and forensic analysis of Windows Event Log data.  For those of you familiar… Read More »

Quest ActiveRoles Quick Connect Express: GAL Sync Step-by-step Guide

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about using Quest’s ActiveRoles Quick Connect Express for Exchange 2010 Global Address List synchronisation (GAL Sync).  Since then I’ve written a step-by-step guide which will hopefully help others who want to use this very useful freeware utility.  You can download the guide (pdf format) here: GAL Sync with ActiveRoles Quick… Read More » reaches a decade

10 years ago today I started and the AD discussions mailing list is still going strong!  Thanks to everyone who has made it a success over the years and especially to Martin Tuip who helped me get set up and Matty Holland who does all the development work. It makes me feel quite old!

GAL Sync with Quest Quick Connect Express for Active Directory

Quest has just released a freeware product called Quick Connect Express for Active Directory. If you’re looking for something that fills the gap left by the (now pensionable) Microsoft Identity Integration Feature Pack, then this may well be it.  I’ve spent the last day looking at the product’s capabilities for running Exchange 2010 Global Address… Read More »