Category Archives: Active Directory

New Version of ADFIND

It’s been a while, but Joe Richards has released a new version of his most excellent (and free!) command line tool, ADFIND.  This latest version is V01.39.00 and incorporates a number of new features, switches and shortcuts.  Check it out here.

Should all my DCs run on Server Core?

  Last week I initiated a discussion on the mailing list about running Windows Server 2008 Domain Controllers on Server Core.  I was curious to see whether there were any good reasons why all DCs (RODCs and RWDCs) should not be run on Server Core as a best practice.   The conclusion reached was that,… Read More »

10 Active Directory Bad Habits

  I encounter a fair number of AD implementations as part of my work.  Some are good, some bad and some just plain ugly.  Here’s a more or less random collection of bad habits that I see quite regularly and some tips on how to avoid and/or kick them. 1.  Poor or missing Active Directory… Read More »

Mixed bag ‘o Nuts

  It’s been a little while since I’ve blogged, so here’s a more or less random collection of snippets for you to enjoy/delete at leisure. Quest acquires Netpro Wow, this one took me by surprise, especially as I have been contracting to Quest on and off for the past 10 months.  Two of the biggest… Read More »

Acctinfo2.dll on Vista x64

A number of companies that I work with use the Acctinfo.dll to provide  additional user information when working with Active Directory Users and Computers (DSA.MSC).  You can download Acctinfo.dll from the Microsoft web site as part of the Account Lockout and Management Tools package. What isn’t quite so well known is that an updated version… Read More »

History of Active Directory

  Earlier this week, John Christie posted a question to the mailing list at on the topic of the history of Active Directory.  If you’re not already subscribed to the list, the full thread can be found here: The most interesting and authoritative response was from Don Hacherl, as shown in full below.… Read More »